Location Innovation Hub


Location Innovation Hub is a center of expertise led by the National Land Survey of Finland’s Spatial Data Center, focusing on the development of location and spatial data innovations. Location Innovation Hub (LIH) provides services to startups and SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) in the field, public sector data producers, and customer organizations utilizing spatial data solutions. The center of expertise helps companies grow their business with location and spatial data and serves public sector organizations.

Location Innovation Hub is part of the European network of over 150 innovation hubs, the EDIH network (European Digital Innovation Hub). Location Innovation Hub is one of Finland’s four EDIH hubs, and its funding is mainly provided by the European Union and Business Finland.

EDIH hubs provide services to customer companies and organizations to develop their digital readiness and streamline their business and/or service operations. Location Innovation Hub, as its name suggests, provides spatial data development services on various themes, such as the built environment, agriculture and forestry, health and well-being, and next-generation navigation services. The production of services involves 24 member companies and communities of the LIH consortium, as well as many associated partners.

The Foundation for Finnish Inventions is a Location Innovation Hub partner that provides information and expertise necessary for the streamlining of spatial data operations in, among other things, the following areas:

  •     Training and material related to the intangible rights of spatial data
  •     Information on innovation and development funding opportunities
  •     Personal advice on business development, funding, and Intellectual Property themes


Connection to the development of the Idearefinery™ service

Location Innovation Hub tukee Ideajalostamo™ -palvelumallin kehittämistä etenkin kolmessa teema-alueessa:Location Innovation Hub supports the development of the Idearefinery™ service model, especially in three thematic areas:

  1.  The LIH project builds an operating model for providing expert information to startups and SMEs. Testing the operating model in the project also lays the foundation for its utilization and further development.
  2. The project creates extensive connections to the EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hubs) networks in Finland and Europe, which can be used in the future to produce expertise for Idearefinery™ services and to utilize service resources in the development of Finnish inventions.
  3. The project launches a mapping of innovation funding supply and information on funding opportunities. The mapping is the basis for producing a broader service presenting funding opportunities as part of the Idearefinery™ solution.


The duration of the Location Innovation Hub project is January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025. The total value of the project is 3 million euros, and the Foundation’s budget is 28,890 euros.


More information: 

Foundation for Finnish Inventions Project manager,

Timo Nyberg

+358 50 560 4438





IP/IPR Clinic is a free service for SMEs and public actors, which is part of the Location Innovation Hub project. The purpose of the service is to:

  • Share information on the management of creative, intangible capital and IPR protection methods.
  • Increase knowledge of business development, customers, markets, and financing.
  • Provide expert views and services on IP/IPR issues.

The prerequisite for receiving the service is a business ID.

At the IP/IPR Clinic, you will be served by Juhani Talvela and Timo Nyberg.

The service can be applied for in the following way:

1. Using an application form that includes the business ID and the name of the company or public actor.

Fill in the requested information on the form:

  • Company name
  • Business ID
  • Contact person
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Brief description of the service need

Press the Send button. We will contact you soon.

2. The EU requires all customers receiving IP/IPR Clinic services to also complete a Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) survey. The survey is quite general and should be answered according to your best understanding, but without wasting too much time.

The form on the EU website:
Open DMAT – Digital Maturity Assessment tool